Having trouble getting organized and finding storage solutions in your bathroom cabinets? Dealing with that pesky drain pipe underneath your sink? Well don’t worry, I’ve got some really great storage solutions that I’ve showcased for you in my latest video. My inspiration for this video actually came from one of my Get Simplifized You Tube subscribers who asked me to help her with some bathroom cabinet storage solutions. When I read her plea for help, I immediately thought of: sliders,stackers
and bins. These are what I personally use in my bathroom and what I use with my clients all the time.
So, why are these so great in the bathroom? Well, quite simply because:
1. They control the clutter! I’m always talking about some of the key components of organizing: Sorting like with like and contain, contain, contain. Sliders, stackers and bins help make this easy.
2. Most of these products come in sizes that are narrow enough to fit in between the drain pipe and the edge of the cabinet. Yup, that darn drain can really put a damper on storing things down there…but not anymore!
3. They help give you access to those items hiding in the dark recesses of your cabinets that almost always get forgotten. By containing your items in a bin that you can pull out, or a slider that slides out like a drawer, you’ll never have to worry about wasting money on products that get lost in the dark!
So, if you’re interested in some neat storage solutions (or for a good laugh as I attempt to sing), check out this video. You can see how I organize my toiletry items in my bathroom cabinets and how I help keep my hubby’s jams n jellies organized too! Yes…he’s a good sport and allows me to “woman-handle” his side of the cabinet to keep it organized. Of course, I can’t complain too much because he’s pretty low maintenance when it comes to his supply of “manly” toiletries.
Now let’s get to it! Click play and check it out! Let me know what you think and please don’t be afraid to share your storage solutions with us too. I’m pretty darn good at organizing…but there are a heck of a lot of other creative folks out there who probably have an idea or two that can help. So bring it on!!! Till next time…enjoy!
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