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Scarves Have You All Tied Up? 4 Simple Ways To Organize Your Scarves

by Vanessa Hayes

in Around the House,Organizing,Quick Tip Videos

In this video I show you a few ways that you can organize your scarves.  Sure…you could just throw them all in a bin but that’s too easy.  Why not organize those pretty accessories nicely so that you can see them, appreciate them, and actually wear them since you’ll know what you have!  Seriously, there actually are better ways to organize your scarves so that they’re not all twisted and tied up in a jumbled mess in you dresser drawers!

So, I’m going to show you 4 different ways that  you can store and organize your scarves.:

1. You can use a tiered pant hanger (this works ok…but not exactly my favorite) or…

2.  Fold or roll them up and file them in a drawer or a bin (works well for bulky scarves…not so much for dainty ones) or…

3. Hang them on hooks on a wall or on the back of a door (my personal favorite)…or

4. Install a towel rod on a wall in your room or closet and hang them there (my second favorite)!

Check out the video and see how easily you can store and organize your scarves too.  And if you have a unique way of storing your scarves….PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE  share!  Yes, I’m pretty organized and every once in awhile I can be creative…but there are waaaaaaay more creative people out there than me. Don’t be shy and share your ideas!  Thanks so much!

GS Sig 210 x 106


Julianna Harris Panzer January 24, 2013 at 3:46 PM

Thanks for these great tips, Vanessa. I HEART my scarves in the winter (and Spring) as they are my favorite accessory when it is cold. I follow your favorite options. I currently use this IKEA option but really do not like it.

Jen January 25, 2013 at 1:48 PM
Vanessa Hayes January 28, 2013 at 11:38 AM

Thanks, Jen! That’s a great product too!

Vanessa Hayes January 28, 2013 at 11:40 AM

I think the IKEA option is good but it has too many loops…so when the scarves are hankging over one another it can get a little bulky. Personally I like the towel rod option or just hooks lined up…I love when I can see everything at a glance and have easy access to them! Thanks for sharing, sis!!!

Dawn@joyfulscribblings February 2, 2013 at 11:29 AM

I love your website. I am in organization mode right and could use some inspiration. I found your site through Bloggy Moms and look forward to following you.

Vanessa Hayes February 4, 2013 at 10:05 AM

Thank you Dawn and so happy to hear you found our website through Bloggy Moms and find it inspirational. We hope to continue to provide great content for you. Thanks for checking us out and for leaving a comment…we very much appreciate it!

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